Food Microbiology & Safety Lab
담당교수 김도균교수
- 최신 비가열 살균기술을 활용한 병원성 미생물 제어
- 공기 살균 시스템 제작 및 부유 미생물 제어 프로토콜 확립
- Blue light LED와 Vitamin을 활용한 식중독균 제어 시스템 개발
- Carbon Quantum Dots (CQDs)을 통한 새로운 미생물 제어 시스템 구축
- 지속가능성, ESG 확보를 위한 식품폐기물 Upcycling 기술 활용 친환경 소재 발굴


김도균 조교수
전공식품미생물, 식품안전
주소생활과학대학 222동 509호
최근 연구논문
- Kim, Do-Kyun, et al. “Inactivation efficacy of combination treatment of blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and riboflavin to control E. coli O157: H7 and S. typhimurium in apple juice.” Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 78 (2022): 103014.
- Baek, Ki Ho, et al. “Blue light promotes bactericidal action of plasma-activated water against Staphylococcus aureus on stainless steel surfaces.” Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 69 (2021): 102663.
- Kim, Do-Kyun, and Dong-Hyun Kang. “Efficacy of light-emitting diodes emitting 395, 405, 415, and 425 nm blue light for bacterial inactivation and the microbicidal mechanism.” Food research international 141 (2021): 110105.
- Kim, Do-Kyun, and Dong-Hyun Kang. “Investigation of a new UVC LEDs array continuous type water disinfection system for inactivating Escherichia coli O157: H7 according to flow rate and electrical energy efficiency analysis.” Food control 119 (2021): 107470.
- Kim, Do-Kyun, and Dong-Hyun Kang. “Inactivation efficacy of a sixteen UVC LED module to control foodborne pathogens on selective media and sliced deli meat and spinach surfaces.” LWT 130 (2020): 109422.
- Kim, Do-kyun, and Dong-Hyun Kang. “Effect of surface characteristics on the bactericidal efficacy of UVC LEDs.” Food Control 108 (2020): 106869.
- Kim, Sang-Soon, et al. “Application of the 222 nm krypton-chlorine excilamp and 280 nm UVC light-emitting diode for the inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium in water with various turbidities.” Lwt 117 (2020): 108458.
- Kim, Do-Kyun, and Dong-Hyun Kang. “Elevated inactivation efficacy of a pulsed UVC light-emitting diode system for foodborne pathogens on selective media and food surfaces.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84.20 (2018): e01340-18.
- Kim, Do-Kyun, and Dong-Hyun Kang. “UVC LED irradiation effectively inactivates aerosolized viruses, bacteria, and fungi in a chamber-type air disinfection system.” Applied and environmental microbiology 84.17 (2018): e00944-18.
- Kim, Do-Kyun, Soo-Ji Kim, and Dong-Hyun Kang. “Bactericidal effect of 266 to 279 nm wavelength UVC-LEDs for inactivation of Gram positive and Gram negative foodborne pathogenic bacteria and yeasts.” Food research international 97 (2017): 280-287.
최근 연구 과제
- UVA/Riboflavin 기반 최신 비가열 처리 기술을 통한 미생물 안전 시스템 개발. 2020-2023. 한국연구재단 (연구책임자)
- 생물전환 프리미엄 양배추즙 제품 개발 및 발효 최적화를 위한 미생물 안전성 확보 연구. 2020-2021. 중소벤처기업부 (참여연구원)
- 차량 실내 공기 소독 시스템 실차 단위 성능 검증 방안 연구. 2021-2022. 현대자동차 (참여연구원)
- 식물재배기 영양 양액에서의 곰팡이 제어 연구. 2021. LG전자 (연구책임자)
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