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주소생활과학대학 222동 610호


  • 만성질환 예방 및 관리에 관한 영양역학 연구


  • 서울대학교 식품영양학 학사
  • Harvard University 역학 석사
  • Harvard University 영양역학 박사


  • Harvard School of Public Health   Research Fellow
  • Harvard Medical School   Research Fellow
  • Harvard Medical School   Instructor
  • Brigham and Women’s Hospital   Associate Epidemiologist
  • 숙명여자대학교   조교수/부교수


International peer-reviewed journals

  • Charlton BM, Giovannucci E, Fuchs CS, Chan AT, Lee JE, Cao Y, Missmer SA, Rosner BA, Hankinson SE, Willett W, Wu K, Michels KB. A Prospective Study of Oral Contraceptive Use and Colorectal Adenomas. Cancer Causes Control 2016;27:749-757
  • Choi Y, Lee JE, Chang Y, Kim MK, Sung E, Shin H, Ryu S. Dietary sodium and potassium intake in relation to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Br J Nutr 2016;116:1447-1456
  • Yang SY, Kim YS, Lee JE, Seol J, Song JH, Chung GE, Yim JY, Lim SH, Kim JS. Dietary protein and fat intake in relation to risk of colorectal adenoma in Korean. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016;95(49):e5453
  • So R, Song S, Lee JE, Yoon HJ. The association between renal hyperfiltration and the sources of habitual protein intake and dietary acid load in a general population with preserved renal function: the KoGES Study. PLoS One. 2016;11(11):e0166495
  • Lee JE, Park HW, Lee JK, Mok BR, Lee H-J, Lee S-J, Kim D-H. Quercetin intake, MATE1 polymorphism, and metabolic syndrome in Korean population: Hallym aging study. Food Science and Biotechnology. 2016;25:1783-88
  • Kim OS, Kim MS, Lee JE, Jung H. Night-eating syndrome and the severity of self-reported depressive symptoms from the Korea Nurses’ Health Study: analysis of propensity score matching and ordinal regression. Public Health. 2016;141:80-87
  • Seo SH, Kim SE, Kang YK, Ryoo BY, Ryu MH, Jeong JH, Kang SS, Yang M, Lee JE, Sung MK. Association of nutritional status-related indices and chemotherapy-induced adverse events in gastric cancer patients. BMC Cancer. 2016;16:900
  • Shin WK, Song S, Hwang E, Moon H-G, Noh D-Y, Lee JE. Development of a FFQ for breast cancer survivors in Korea. British Journal of Nutrition. 2016;116:1781-86
  • Abris GP, Hong S, Provido SMP, Lee JE, Lee CB. Filipino women’s diet and health study (FiLWHEL): design and methods. Nutr Res Pract. 2017;11(1):70-75
  • Kim O, Ahn Y, Lee HY, Jang HJ, Kim S, Lee JE, Jung H, Cho E, Lim JY, Kim MJ, Willett WC, Chavarro JE, Park HY. The Korea Nurses’ Health Study: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2017;26(8):892-899
  • Lee JE, Song S, Ahn JS, Kim Y, Lee JE. Use of a Mobile Application for Self-Monitoring Dietary Intake: Feasibility Test and an Intervention Study. Nutrients. 2017;9(7). pii: E748
  • Shin WK, Song S, Jung SY, Lee E, Kim Z, Moon HG, Noh DY, Lee JE. The association between physical activity and health-related quality of life among breast cancer survivors. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2017;15(1):132
  • Kim S, Song Y, Lee JE, Jun S, Shin S, Wie GA, Cho YH, Joung H. Total Antioxidant Capacity from Dietary Supplement Decreases the Likelihood of Having Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults. Nutrients. 2017;9(10). pii: E1055
  • Lee CB, Yu SH, Kim NY, Kim SM, Kim SR, Oh SJ, Jee SH, Lee JE. Association Between Coffee Consumption and Circulating Levels of Adiponectin and Leptin. J Med Food. 2017;20(11):1068-1075
  • Park YM, Youn J, Cho CH, Kim SH, Lee JE. Circulating folate levels and colorectal adenoma; a case-control study and a meta-analysis. Nutr Res Pract. 2017;11(5):419-429
  • Song S, Youn J, Lee YJ, Kang M, Hyun T, Song Y, Lee JE. Dietary supplement use among cancer survivors and the general population: a nation-wide cross-sectional study. BMC Cancer. 2017;17(1):891
  • Shin WK, Kim Z, Youn HJ, Cho J, Lee JE. Determinants of Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations among Breast Cancer Survivors in Korea. Nutrients. 2018;10(3). pii: E380
  • Hahn WH, Song JH, Seo JB, Lee JE, Lee JS, Song S, Lee J, Kang NM. Comparisons of proteomic profiles of whey protein between donor human milk collected earlier than 3 months and 6 months after delivery. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2018;27(1):204-210
  • Kim O, Kim MS, Kim J, Lee JE, Jung H. Binge eating disorder and depressive symptoms among females of child-bearing age: the Korea Nurses’ Health Study. BMC Psychiatry. 2018;18(1):13
  • Kim O, Jang HJ, Kim S, Lee HY, Cho E, Lee JE, Jung H, Kim J. Gastroesophageal reflux disease and its related factors among women of reproductive age: Korea Nurses’ Health Study. BMC Public Health. 2018;18(1):1133
  • Lee JE, Song S, Cho E, Jang HJ, Jung H, Lee HY, Kim S, Kim O, Lee JE. Weight change and risk of uterine leiomyomas: Korea Nurses’ Health Study. Curr Med Res Opin. 2018
  • Abris GP, Kim NH, Provido SMP, Hong S, Yu SH, Lee CB, Lee JE. Dietary diversity and nutritional adequacy among married Filipino immigrant women: The Filipino Women’s Diet and Health Study (FiLWHEL). BMC Public Health. 2018;18(1):359
  • Abris GP, Provido SMP, Hong S, Yu SH, Lee CB, Lee JE. Association between dietary diversity and obesity in the Filipino Women’s Diet and Health Study (FiLWHEL): A cross-sectional study. PLoS One. 2018;13(11):e0206490
  • Kim NH, Song S, Jung SY, Lee E, Kim Z, Moon HG, Noh DY, Lee JE. Dietary pattern and health-related quality of life among breast cancer survivors. BMC Womens Health. 2018;18(1):65
  • Song S, Kim S, Lee JE. Sex consideration in diet-biomarker-related indices: a systematic review. Public Health Nutr. 2018;21(14):2617-2629
  • McCullough ML, Zoltick ES, Weinstein SJ, Fedirko V, Wang M, Cook NR, Eliassen AH, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Agnoli C, Albanes D, Barnett MJ, Buring JE, Campbell PT, Clendenen TV, Freedman ND, Gapstur SM, Giovannucci EL, Goodman GG, Haiman CA, Ho GYF, Horst RL, Hou T, Huang WY, Jenab M, Jones ME, Joshu CE, Krogh V, Lee IM, Lee JE, Mannisto S, Le Marchand L, Mondul AM, Neuhouser ML, Platz EA, Purdue MP, Riboli E, Robsahm TE, Rohan TE, Sasazuki S, Schoemaker MJ, Sieri S, Stampfer MJ, Swerdlow AJ, Thomson CA, Tretli S, Tsugane S, Ursin G, Visvanathan K, White KK, Wu K, Yaun SS, Zhang X, Willett WC, Gail MH, Ziegler RG, Smith-Warner SA. Circulating Vitamin D and Colorectal Cancer Risk: An International Pooling Project of 17 Cohorts. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018;111(2):158-169
  • Chung GE, Youn J, Kim YS, Lee JE, Yang SY, Lim JH, Song JH, Doo EY, Kim JS. Dietary patterns are associated with the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Korean adults. Nutrition. 2018;62:32-38
  • Youn J, Cho E, Lee JE. Association of choline and betaine levels with cancer incidence and survival: a meta-analysis. Clin Nutr. 2019;38(1):100-109
  • Song S, Lee JE. Dietary patterns related to triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and the incidence of type 2 diabetes in Korean men and women. Nutrients. 2019;11(1). pii:E8.
  • Ahn JS, Kim DW, Kim J, Park H, Lee JE. Development of a smartphone application for dietary self-monitoring. Front Nutr. 2019;6:149
  • Kim NH, Seol JE, Kim J, Lee BH, Hwang DY, Jeong J, Lee HJ, Ahn YO, Kim DH, Lee JE. Red meat intake, CYP2E1 and PPARγ polymorphisms, and colorectal cancer risk. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2019;28(4):304-310
  • Koh D, Song S, Moon SE, Jung SY, Lee ES, Kim Z, Youn HJ, Cho J, Yoo YB, Lee SK, Lee JE, Nam SJ, Lee JE. Adherence to the American Cancer Society Guidelines for Cancer Survivors and health-related quality of life among breast cancer survivors. Nutrients. 2019;11(12):2924
  • Shim EJ, Lee JW, Cho J, Jung HK, Kim NH, Lee JE, Min J, Noh WC, Park SH, Kim YS. Association of depression and anxiety disorder with the risk of mortality in breast cancer: A National Health Insurance Service study in Korea. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2020;179(2):491-498
  • Kang NM, Hahn WH, Park S, Lee JE, Yoo YB, Ryoo CJ. Mediating and moderating factors of adherence to nutrition and physical activity guidelines, breastfeeding experience, and spousal support on the relationship between stress and quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(20):7532
  • Jung H, Dan H, Pang Y, Kim B, Jeong H, Lee JE, Kim O. Association between dietary habits, shift work, and the meatbolic syndrome: the Korea Nurses’ Health Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(20):7697
  • Shim EJ, Jeong D, Moon HG, Noh DY, Jung SY, Lee E, Kim Z, Youn HJ, Cho J, Lee JE. Profiles of depressive symptoms and the association with anxiety and quality of life in breast cancer survivors: a latent profile analysis. Qual Life Res. 2020;29(2):421-429
  • Provido SMP, Abris GP, Hong S, Yu SH, Lee CB, Lee JE. Association of fried food intake with prehypertension and hypertension: the Filipino women’s diet and health study. Nutr Res Pract. 2020;14(1):76-84
  • Kim S, Song S, Kim YS, Yang SY, Lee JE. The association between predicted inflammatory status and colorectal adenoma. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):2433
  • Seol JE, Kim J, Lee BH, Hwang DY, Jeong J, Lee HJ, Ahn YO, Lee JE, Kim DH/ Folate, alcohol, ADH1B and ALDH2 and colorectal cancer risk. Public Health Nutr. 2020
  • Yoo JY, Cho HJ, Moon S, Choi J, Lee S, Ahn C, Yoo KY, Kim I, Ko KP, Lee JE, Park SK. Pickled vegetable and salted fish intake and the risk of gastric cancer: two prospective cohort studies and a meta-analysis. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12(4):996
  • Lim JH, Kim YS, Lee JE, Youn J, Chung GE, Song JH, Yang SY, Kim JS. Dietary pattern and its association with right-colonic diverticulosis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020
  • Shin WK, Lee HW, Shin A, Lee JK, Lee SA, Lee JE, Kang D. Multi-grain rice diet decreases risk of breast cancer in Korean women: results from the Health Examinees Study. Nutrients. 2020;12(8):2273
  • Kim AN, Cho HJ, Youn J, Jin T, Kang M, Sung J, Lee JE. Coffee consumption, genetic polymorphisms, and the risk of type 2 diabetes mullitus: a pooled analysis of four prospective cohort studies. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(15):5379
  • Jin T, Youn J, Kim AN, Kang M, Kim K, Sung J, Lee JE. Interactions of habitual coffee consumption by genetic polymorphisms with the risk of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes combined. Nutrients. 2020;12(8):2228.
  • Ahn JS, Lee H, Kim J, Park H, Kim DW, Lee JE. Use of a smartphone app for weight loss versus a paper-based dietary diary in overweight adults: randomized controlled trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020;8(7):e14013
  • Kho M, Smith JA, Verweij N, Shang L, Ryan KA, Zhao W, Ware EB, Gansevoort RT, Irvin MR, Lee JE, Turner ST, Sung J, van der Harst P, Arnett DK, Baylin A, Park SK, Seo YA, Kelly KM, Chang YPC, Zhou X, Lieske JC, Kardia SLR. Genome-wide association meta-analysis of individuals of European ancestry identifies suggestive loci for sodium intake, potassium intake, and their ratio measured from 24-hour or half-day urine samples. J Nutr. 2020;150(10):2635-2645

Domestic Peer-reviewed Journals

    • Song S, Youn HJ, Jung SY, Lee E, Kim Z, Cho J, Yoo YB, Moon HG, Noh DY, Lee JE. Dietary Changes After Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Associations with Physical Activity, Anthropometry, and Health-related Quality of life Among Korean Breast Cancer Survivors. Korean J Community Nutr 2016;21(6):533-544
    • Ahn JS, Song S, Moon S, Kim S, Lee JE. The Perception of Laymen and Experts Toward Mobile Applications for Self-monitoring of Diet Based on in-depth Interviews and Focus Group Interviews. Korean J Community Nutr 2018;23(3):202-215
    • Lee HN, Lee JE, Kang M, Shim JE, Paik HY. Gender perspectives on the relationship between red and processed meat intake and colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean J Health Promot. 2018;18(3):127-137
    • Kang M, Lee JE, Shim JE, Paik HY. Gender analysis of food items selection for food frequency questionnaire development. Korean J Health Promot. 2018;18(2):98-106
    • Kim N, Kang M, Abris G, Provido SMP, Joung H, Hong S, Yu SH, Lee CB, Lee JE. Consumption of Han-sik and its association with socioeconomic status among Filipino immigrant women: the Filipino Women’s Diet and Health Study (FiLWHEL). Korean J Community Nutr. 2018;23(6):475-487
    •  Kim AN, Youn J, Cho HJ, Jin T, Shin S, Lee JE. Comparison 24-hour recalls with a food frequency questionnaire in assessing coffee consumption: the Health Examinees (HEXA) study. Korean J Community Nutr. 2020;25(1):48-60


  • 학부: 영양평가 및 실습, 지역사회영양학, 영양교육
  • 대학원: 임상영양연구, 영양역학, 고급식품영양통계, 영양조사 및 평가법


  • Betaine: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects. Editor: Victor Preedy. Chapter 22. Betaine and Choline and Cancer.  Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
  • 보건영양학. 양서원. 2013
  • 영양역학 (역서). 교문사. 2013
  • 소화기암환자의 영양이야기. 대한의학. 2013
  • 영양판정. 파워북. 2016
  • 유방암 경험자 건강관리 가이드. 국립암센터. 2017
  • 유방학 제 4판. 한국유방암학회. 바이오메디북. 2017
  • 영양연구방법론. 한국영양교육평가원. 2017

주요연구내용 및 연구과제

  • 질환별 개인 맞춤 건강알람서비스 모델 개발 및 국민건강알람서비스 예측 모델 적합성 검증. 국민건강보험공단. 2016
  • 유방암 경험자 식생활 관리 연구 및 도구개발.  한국연구재단. 2014-2017
  • 식품섭취의 개인간 변이를 반영한 일상섭취량 산출 기법연구. 식품의약안전처. 2017-2018
  • 국민건강영양조사 식품섭취조사 2일 조사 지원 및 일상섭취량 산출. 질병관리본부. 2019-2020
  • 콩류식품 및 이소플라본이 유방암에 미치는 영향 연구 -영양과 치료의 상호작용 중심으로-. 한국연구재단. 2019-2022
  • 필리핀 여성 식생활 및 건강연구: 2차 후속 연구. ㈜한독. 2018-2021.
  • 필리핀 결혼이주 여성 문화적응·건강 빅데이터 연구. 서울대학교. 2019-2020.
  • 국민건강영양조사 이동검진차량 기반의 영양조사 수행체계 개발. 질병관리청. 2020-2021.