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김도균 조교수

전공식품미생물, 식품안전
주소생활과학대학 222동 509호


  • 최신 기술을 이용한 식품 및 환경에서의 병원성미생물 제어
  • 신규 살균 시스템 개발 및 미생물 제어를 위한 최적화
  • (ARB)/항생제내성유전자(ARG) 제어 평가를 위한 미생물 기초 연구
  • Photosensitizing 기술 적용을 위한 새로운 소재 발굴 및 최적화
  • LED 기반 미생물 제어 시스템 개발 및 평가


  • 2007-2014 서울대학교 식품·동물생명공학부 (학사, 식품생명공학 전공)
  • 2014-2016 서울대학교 농생명공학부 (석사, 식품생명공학 전공)
  • 2016-2019 서울대학교 농생명공학부 (박사, 식품생명공학 전공)


  • 2022.03 – 현재 서울대학교 식품영양학과 조교수
  • 2021.03 – 2022.02 부경대학교 미생물학과 조교수
  • 2020.07 – 2021.02 서울대학교 식품바이오융합연구소 선임연구원
  • 2019.09 – 2020.06 서울대학교 식품안전성 및 독성연구센터 선임연구원


Full list is available at https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2sXr7ysAAAAJ&hl=en


  • Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H. 2021. Efficacy of light-emitting diodes emitting 395, 405, 415, and 425 nm blue light for bacterial inactivation and the microbicidal mechanism. Food Research International 141, 110105.
  • Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H. 2021. Investigation of a new UVC LEDs array continuous type water disinfection system for inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7 according to flow rate and electrical energy efficiency analysis. Food Control 199, 107470.
  • Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H. 2020. Inactivation efficacy of a sixteen UVC LED module to control foodborne pathogens on selective media and sliced deli meat and spinach surfaces. LWT-Food Science and Technology 130, 109422.
  • Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H. 2020. Effect of surface characteristics on the bacterial efficacy of UVC LEDs. Food Control 108, 106869.
  • Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H. 2018. Elevated inactivation efficacy of a pulsed UVC light-emitting Diode system for foodborne pathogens on selective media and food surfaces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84:20 1-11.
  • Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H. 2018. UVC LED irradiation effectively inactivates aerosolized viruses, bacteria, and fungi in a chamber-type air disinfection system. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84:17 1-11.
  • Do-Kyun Kim*, Soo-Ji Kim*, and Kang, D.H. 2017. Bactericidal effect of 266 to 279 nm wavelength UVC-LEDs for inactivation of Gram positive and Gram negative foodborne pathogenic bacteria and yeasts. Food Research International 97:280-287.
  • Do-Kyun Kim, Soo-Ji Kim, and Kang, D.H. 2017. Inactivation modeling of human enteric virus surrogates, MS2, Qβ, and ΦX174, in water using UVC-LEDs, a novel disinfecting system. Food Research International 91:115-123.
  • Joo-Yeon Shin, Soo-Ji Kim, Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H. 2016. Fundamental characteristics of deep-UV light-emitting diodes and their application to control foodborne pathogens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82:2-10.
  • Soo-Ji Kim*, Do-Kyun Kim*, and Kang, D.H. 2016. Using UVC light-emitting diodes at wavelengths of 266 to 279 nanometers to inactivate foodborne pathogens and pasteurize sliced cheese. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82:11-17.
  • Soo-Ji Kim*, Do-Kyun Kim*, and Kang, D.H. 2016. Evaluation of micro-organism-detaching efficacy from meat samples by spindle or stomacher treatment and quality analysis of suspensions. Journal of Applied Microbiology 120:946-954.


*The authors contributed equally to articles (co-first author).


  • 학부: 식품위생학, 식품미생물학 및 실험, 고급식품학연구
  • 대학원: 고급식품미생물학, 식품발효학


  • 생각이 필요한 식품위생학, 수학사 (참여저자)

주요연구내용 및 연구과제

  • UVA/Riboflavin 기반 최신 비가열 처리 기술을 통한 미생물 안전 시스템 개발. 2020-2023. 한국연구재단 (연구책임자)
  • 생물전환 프리미엄 양배추즙 제품 개발 및 발효 최적화를 위한 미생물 안전성 확보 연구. 2020-2021. 중소벤처기업부 (참여연구원)
  • 차량 실내 공기 소독 시스템 실차 단위 성능 검증 방안 연구. 2021-2022. 현대자동차 (참여연구원)
  • 식물재배기 영양 양액에서의 곰팡이 제어 연구. 2021. LG전자 (연구책임자)

초청강연 및 학술대회발표

  • Application of LED based UVC irradiation system for food and environmental safety. Do-Kyun Kim, November 2021, ‘6th Asia-Pacific Symposium of Food Safety 2021’ in Jeju, Korea.
  • Application of LED based UVC irradiation system for food and environmental safety. Do-Kyun Kim, July 2020, KoSFoST in Gwangju, Korea.
  • Evaluation of inactivating foodborne pathogens using UV-C LED. Do-Kyun Kim, June 2018, UV LED Forum, Japan.


  • Rak-Jun Choi, Dong-Hyun Kang, Do-Kyun Kim. Disinfection system. Korea Patent Pending 10-2018-0086851 (Jul 2018)