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Kim, Do-Kyun Assistant Professor

MajorFood Microbiology & Safety


Name: Kim, Do-Kyun
Current Position: Assistant Professor
Major: Food Microbiology (Food Safety)
Research Areas:
 -Development and construction novel inactivation technologies
 -Evaluation the intervention methods using microbial analysis
 -Bacterial inactivating mechanism assessment
 -Application of the technology into various industries
Office: +82-2-880-8749
E-mail: dkkim@snu.ac.kr


  • 2016-2019 Seoul National University (Ph.D. in Food Science and Biotechnology)
    2014-2016 Seoul National University (M.S. in Food Science and Biotechnology)
    2007-2014 Seoul National University (B.S. in Food Science and Biotechnology)

Recent Publications

  • Do-Kyun Kim*, Min-Jung Shin, Hyun-Sik Kim, and Kang D.H.* 2022. Inactivation efficacy of combination treatment of blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and riboflavin to control E. coli O157:H7 and S. Typhimurium in apple juice. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 78, 103014.

    Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H.* 2021. Efficacy of light-emitting diodes emitting 395, 405, 415, and 425 nm blue light for bacterial inactivation and the microbicidal mechanism. Food Research International 141, 110105.

    Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H.* 2021. Investigation of a new UVC LEDs array continuous type water disinfection system for inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7 according to flow rate and electrical energy efficiency analysis. Food Control 199, 107470.

    Do-Kyun Kim, and Kang, D.H.* 2020. Inactivation efficacy of a sixteen UVC LED module to control foodborne pathogens on selective media and sliced deli meat and spinach surfaces. LWT-Food Science and Technology 130, 109422.