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Hong, Jae-Hee Professor

MajorSensory Science


  • Name: Hong, Jae-Hee
  • Current Position: Associate Professor
  • Major: Sensory Science
  • Research Areas: Human sensory perception of and hedonic response to foods: their relationship with food choices
  • Office: +82-2-880-6837
  • E-mail: jhhong2017@snu.ac.kr 


  • 1990.3-1994.2 Batchelor of Science, Science of Food and Nutrition. Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
  • 1994.3-1996.2 Master of Science, Science of Food and Nutrition. Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
  • 2003.1-2006.12 Doctor of Philosophy, Food Science of Technology, Virgina Tech, Blacksurg, VA, USA.

Research Area

  • Human sensory perception of and hedonic and emotional responses to foods and their relationship with food choices
  • Development of liking for a novel food ingredient and product
  • Ideal sensory representation as a mechanism underlying development of appreciation
  • Effects of extrinsic factors on liking and sensory perception: the role of contexts and cognitive interventions
  • Cross-cultural comparisons to understand mechanisms underlying acquired liking for ethnic foods
  • Perception of sweetness in relation with development of new natural intense sweeteners with better sensory quality 

Work experience

  • 2017.9 – Present Associate Professor, Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
  • 2011.3 – 2017.8 Associate Professor, Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea
  • 2010.9 – 2011.2 Assistant Professor, School of Food Science, Kyungil University, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea
  • 2009.3 – 2010.8 Research Professor, Dept. of Food Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Koea
  • 2006.11 – 2009.1 Special Research Faculty. Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
  • 1996.1 – 2002.1 Senior Researcher, Analytical & Sensory Evaluation and Team, Pulmuone, Co. Ltd. Seoul, Korea 

Recent Publications

  • Park HJ, Ko JM, Lim JY, Hong JH. 2020. American consumer’s perception and acceptance of an ethnic food with strong flavor: a case study of Kimchi with varying levels of red pepper and fish sauce. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. doi:10.1002/jsfa.10106
  • Shim HK, Lee CL, Valentin D, Hong JH. 2019. How a combination of two contradicting concepts is represented: The representation of premium instant noodles and premium yogurts by different age groups. Food Research International. 125, 208506.
  • Park HW, Kim YC, Jang SH, Hong JH. 2019. Comparison of sensory perception and verbal expression of Korean kimchi stews between Chinese consumers and Korean trained panelists. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 99:152-162.
  • Choe SY, Hong JH. 2018. Can information positively influence familiarity and acceptance of a novel ethnic food? A case study of Korean traditional foods for Malaysian consumers. Journal of Sensory Studies. 2018;33:e12327. https://doi.org/10. 1111/joss.12327
  • Kim SH, Petard N, Hong JH. 2018. What is lost in translation: A cross-cultural study to compare the concept of nuttiness and its perception in soymilk among Korean, Chinese, and Western groups. Food Research International, 105, 970-981
  • Park HW, Kim MJ, Seo SW, Yoo SH, Hong JH. 2017. Relative sweetness and sweetness quality of xylobiose. Food Science and Biotechnology. 26, 689-696.
  • Park HJ, Ko JM, Jang SH, Hong JH. 2017. Comparison of consumer perception and liking of bulgogi marinade sauces between Korea and Japan using flash profiling. Food Science and Biotechnology. 26, 427-434
  • Kim MJ, Kang BW, Kim JW, Lee MY, Chung SJ, Hong JH. 2017. The effect of a low-sodium label on acceptability and perceived saltiness intensity of a dipping sauce for fried pork cutlets. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology. 49(1): 72-79
  • Kim MJ, Yoo SH, Kim Y, Hong JH. 2016. Relative sweetness and sweetness quality of phyllodulcin [(3R)-8-Hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphyeny)-3,4-dihydro-1H-isochromen-1-one]. Food Science and Biotechnology. 25(4), 1065-1072
  • Ko JM, Oh SW, Hong JH. 2016. Sensory drivers of sliced raw fish in Korea: Case study on flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli). Journal of Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition. 45(8), 1192-1201
  • Jang SH, Kim MJ, Lim J, and Jae-Hee Hong. 2016. Cross-cultural comparison of consumer acceptability of kimchi with different degree of fermentation. Journal of Sensory Studies. 31, 124-134


  • Healthy sweetness?: Effect of “functional sweetener” context on consumer liking and sweetness perception of natural alternatie sweeteners in food systems. 2019 Autumn Annual Conference of Korean Society of Food Culture. Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. 2019.
  • Understanding multidimensionality of Korean traditonal sensory descriptors using sensory science. 2018 Autumn Annual Conference of Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science. Seoul National University of Education. Seoul, Korea. 2018
  • Communicating multidimensional sensory descriptors across borders. 3rd Asian Sensory and Consumer Research Symposium. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2018
  • Strategies to develop Kimchi for exporting American market based on target consumer acceptance. Symposium for promoting Agro-food and machinery export. Rural Development Administration. Jeonju, Korea. 2016
  • Consumer-based sensory profiling: pros and cons. Industry-Academia joint seminar organized by Foodppolis food quality and safety center. Korea National Food Cluster (Foodpolis). Iksan, Korea. 2016
  • Lee CL, Hong JH. Effect of previous intake experience on development of ideal sensory representation of coffee and orange juice. 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. Edinburgh, UK. July 28-Aug 1, 2019
  • Lee CL, Seo GG, Bak HW, Lee SH, Kim NH, Chai JY. Hong JH. Localization of an ethnic food: Effect of ingredient, cooking method, and plating on liking and perceived ethnicity of an ethnic rice dish. 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. Edinburgh, UK. July 28-Aug 1, 2019
  • Kim SH, Shim HK, Hong JH. The effect of contexts on consumer emotions and acceptance of unfamiliar ethnic foods: A case study of Korean foods developed for Chinese market. 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. Edinburgh, UK. July 28-Aug 1, 2019
  • Kim SH, Hong JH. Chinese consumers’ liking, perception, and ideal sensory profile of Kimchi-jjigae developed for Chiense market. 2019 KosFost International Sympoisum and Annual Meeting. Incheon, Korea. June 26-28, 2019
  • Kim SH, Lee CL, Lee DH, Yang UJ, Hong JH. The effect of context on consumer emotions and acceptance of an unfamiliar ethnic food. SPISE 2018: Summer Program in Sensory Evaluation. Da Nang, Vietnam. July 26-28, 2018
  • Lee CL, Shim HK, Kim SH, Valentin D, Hong JH. How a new concept is structured: Social representation of premium ramen. 2018 KosFost International Symposium and Annual Meeting. Busan, Korea. June 27-29, 2018
  • Choe SY, Park HW, Kim SH, Hong JH. Effect of “functional sweetener” context on consumer liking and sweetness perception of natural alternatie sweeteners in a model cookie system. 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Aug 20-24, 2017
  • Kim SH, Abdi H, Kim YM, Jeong JS, Choe SY, Park HW, Hong JH. Development of ideal check-all-that-apply lexicon of green tea using partial triadic correspondence analysis. 2017 KosFost International Symposium and Annual Meeting. Jeju, Korea. June 21-28, 2017
  • Park HW, Choe SY, Kim SH, Kim MJ, Ko SW, Hong JH. Is high-quality green tea close to consumer ideal? Ideal profiling of green tea with varying quality and price. 2017 KosFost International Symposium and Annual Meeting. Jeju, Korea. June 21-28, 2017
  • Park HW, Choe SY, Kim MJ, Seo SW, Kyung MO, Jung SW, Yoo SH, Hong JH. Relative sweetness and sensory characteristics of xylobiose. 2016 KosFost International Symposium and Annual Meeting. Daegu, Korea. Aug 18, 2016
  • Kim SH, Ko JM, Choe SY, Oh SW, Hong JH. Does size matter? The effect of fish size on consumer perception and liking for sliced raw rockfish. 2016 KosFost International Symposium and Annual Meeting. Daegu, Korea. Aug 18, 2016
  • Choe SY, Kim MS, Kim Y, Yoo SH, Hong JH. Relative sweetness of phyllodulcin in a cookie system. SPISE 2016: Summer Program in Sensory Evaluation. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. July 29, 2016
  • Park HW, Kyung MO, Seo SW, Jung SW, Hong JH. Effect of “functional sweetener” context on consumers’ sensory and hedonic perception of sweetened soymilk. SPISE 2016: Summer Program in Sensory Evaluation. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. July 29, 2016
  • Kim SH, Ko JM, Hong JH. The effect of fish size information on consumer perception and liking for sliced raw fish: A case study of flounder. SPISE 2016: Summer Program in Sensory Evaluation. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. July 29, 2016
  • Shim HK, Jang SJ, Kang SH, Hong JH. Acceptance of Korean Menu items and its association with a degree of food neophobia and exposure to Korean foods among South-east Asian Muslim consumers in Korea: An exploratory study. SenseAsia 2016: The 2nd Asian Sensory and Consumer Research Symposium. Shanghai, China. May 16, 2016
  • Hwang SH, Petard N, Hong JH. What gets lost in translation: Comparision of concept of nuttiness between Korean, Chinese, and Western consumers using textual analysis. SenseAsia 2016: The 2nd Asian Sensory and Consumer Research Symposium. Shanghai, China. May 16, 2016 

Recent Research Projects

  • Co-investigator, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, “Development of a natural flavor ingredient agents using natural raw materials such as vegetables and grain proteins” 2019-2021
  • Principal investigator, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, “Development of novel natural sweeteners with superior sweetness quality driven by sensory and in vitro sweet receptor-based evaluation” 2019-2021
  • Principal investigator, LG Electronics. “Identification of the optimal sensory qualities of toasted bread for development of a premium toaster”. 2019
  • Principal investigator, National Research Foundation of Korea, “Formation of ideal sensory representation as the development mechanism of food acceptability” 2018-2020
  • Researcher, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, “Development of traditional Korean food for exportation focused on consumers’ liking” 2015-2018
  • Principal investigator, Yulchon Foundation, “Social representation of premium ramen” 2016
  • Co-investigator, Dongsung Food. “Effect of gulten-free wheat flour on improvement of human digestive function and consumer acceptance of gluten-free Udong and Tteokbokki sauce” 2017
  • Co-investigator, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, “Development of halal Korean food (home meal replacement) for exporting Malaysia and vegetable emulsifier” 2015-2018
  • Co-investigator, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, “Development of a natural intense sweetener and a sugar complement with low glycemic property” 2013-2016